There was a time when we used to take a new SIM, then we used to write down its mobile number and then rote it for a few days. so that the mobile number of that SIM card could be remembered. because at that time there was no such setting in such a mobile with the help of which we would know what is my mobile number? It is easy to know, Because at that time it was the era of mobiles with keypads.

Nowadays, the era of keypad phones is almost over, now everyone has a smartphone of their own, in such a situation, people do not need to remember the mobile number of their SIM cards because there are many settings in the smartphone, with the help of which we can find the number of the SIM card in our phone immediately.
But there are many people who do not know their own mobile number and do not even know about how to find out the mobile number, due to which they often keep searching “Mobile Number” on the Internet, then tell you that your mobile number will never be found on the internet, but yes, there are definitely some ways with the help of which you can use your mobile Can you find out the number?

If you also want to know your own mobile number in today’s time, then you can easily find it yourself, for this I am going to tell you all some ways with the help of which you can find out the mobile number of the SIM card present in your phone, then without much delay, let’s start knowing.
How do I know what my mobile number is?
Today’s time is such that there are many ways to know your own mobile number, whereas in the first time, we had to call someone and find out the mobile number, which method did not work when recharge was not available on the SIM card and at that time the other way was to find the mobile number by running the USSD code, Below I have mentioned all the ways with the help of which you can know your mobile number immediately: –
1. Find your mobile number with Google Assistant.
You must know about Google Assistant, which is a kind of virtual assistant from which we can ask any kind of question, which it answers immediately through the Internet, in such a situation, if you want to find out the mobile number of the SIM card in your mobile through Google Assistant, then follow the steps given below: –

- First of all, first open Google Assistant in your phone, for this, click on the Home button of your Android phone, then Google Assistant will open in your phone.
- Now ask Google Assistant “What is my mobile number“
- After which Google Assistant will show the mobile number associated with your Google Account.
Note: If you have two SIMs in your mobile, then you will be able to find out the mobile number of the same SIM from it and only when your mobile number is linked to your Google account, and before adopting this method, you must find out whether the language of your Google Assistant is set in or not.
2. Find out by calling another mobile number.
In today’s time, we all have recharge in our mobile because without it it is not going to work, so if recharge is available in your mobile and you want to know your mobile number, then you can call another person from your phone and ask that person your mobile number, but keep in mind that if you have two sims in your mobile. Then call from the same SIM whose mobile number you want to know.
3. Know your mobile number by message.
Messaging is the most knowable, for this, we just have to go to the message app and select the mobile number that we want to message and then we can send the message immediately by typing the message, in such a situation, if you want to find out your mobile number, then you can message any of your friends or family members.

After which the message will be sent from your mobile number and after that you can ask the person in front to send your mobile number to Reply through the message and in this way you can easily find out your mobile number through the message.
4. Go to mobile settings and find the mobile number.
If you do not want to call anyone nor want to message anyone, then tell you that you can also know the mobile number of all the SIM cards in your mobile by going to the settings of mobile: –
- For this, first open your phone’s system settings.
- Now click on the setting named Mobile Network.
- After clicking on the mobile network setting, click on the option of Sim Management.
- Now the details of all the SIM cards on your mobile will come, in which the mobile number will also be mentioned, keep in mind that the name of the setting can be different according to different mobile company
If your Android phone is not but its location is iPhone, then you can know your mobile number by following the steps given below: –
- First, go to your iPhone’s settings.
- Now you will find a setting called Phone at the bottom, click on it.
- Now you will get the option of My Number on which your mobile number will be mentioned.
5. Call customer care and find out your number.
Often when we have any problem related to any type of SIM card, then we call customer care and tell them our problem, in such a situation, if you want to know your mobile number immediately, then you can call the customer care number of your SIM card and you can ask them your mobile number.
We do not even need any kind of recharge to call the customer care number, below I have mentioned the customer care number of some popular SIM card company.
6. Find your mobile number from WhatsApp.
We all run WhatsApp, if you also run WhatsApp, then you can also know your mobile number through WhatsApp, for this, first open WhatsApp in your phone, then click on the three dots appearing in the top corner, then click on settings, now click on your profile above, Now slide downwards, at the bottom your mobile number will be mentioned.
Note: For this, WhatsApp Installed in your phone and your account on WhatsApp must be open.
7. Find your mobile number through Gmail.
Often our mobile number is linked to our Google account, which we can see through Gmail, to find out, first open Gmail in your Android phone, then click on your Gmail Profile, now click on the option of Google Account, now you will come to the Google Account page, From where you click on the security one, now the mobile number linked to your Google account will be mentioned in the recovery phone at the bottom.
8. Find the mobile number through USSD code.
Earlier, when the trend of keypad phones was quite high, at that time the work of checking balance and mobile number was done through USSD code and in today’s time, we can find out our mobile number through USSD code in both our keypad and smartphone, but every SIM card company has its own separate mobile number Checking USSD code.
In such a situation, I have mentioned below the USSD code to check the mobile numbers of some popular telecom companies: –
- Jio – If you have a Jio SIM card, then you call 1299 in your phone, shortly after which a message will come in your phone in which your Jio number will be mentioned.
- Airtel – If your SIM card is from Airtel, then you dial *282# to know your mobile number, after which you will flash a message in which your mobile number will be written.
- VI – If your SIM card is of VI i.e. Vodafone Idea company, then you can find out your mobile number by dialing *199# in your phone.
- BSNL – If your SIM card belongs to BSNL company, then you have to dial *222# in your phone to find out your mobile number.
9. Find out your mobile number through SIM card bill.
When buying a SIM card, we are provided a bill as a cover in which all the information related to the SIM card is present, if you still have that bill, then you will pay attention to it and your mobile number will also be written on it.
FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions)
What is my SIM number?
The best way to find out the number of your SIM card is to pay attention to the bill or cover of the SIM card of your SIM card, where the mobile number is written.
Can Google tell me my mobile number?
No, Google cannot give our mobile number information because Google is a search engine, it does not keep our personal information on its search engine.
Can Google Assistant tell me my mobile number?
Yes, Google Assistant can tell you the mobile number linked to the Google account.
Now I have shared a lot of such methods with all of you readers, with the help of which you will be able to find out your mobile number very easily and now you will never be on the internet again What is my mobile number, what is my SIM number? There will be no need to search all this because I tried to share complete information about this through this article Is.
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